Sexual Harassment


What is sexual harassment?

Sexual harassment takes many forms, but generally includes unwanted, uninvited, and unwelcome behaviour of a sexual nature that makes the recipient feel uncomfortable, intimidated, or unsafe. It includes gestures and comments, inappropriate jokes or unwanted flirtation, unwanted physical contact or emotional coercion, sharing pictures and videos of a sexual or otherwise inappropriate nature, directly asking for romantic or sexual contact, and other forms of verbal, physical, and emotional abuse.

What is the role of power?

Sexual harassment often (but not necessarily) involves a power dynamic, for instance between a supervisor and employee, a teacher and a student, or junior and senior colleagues. These cases may involve an exchange for some benefit or some threat of harm, or they may simply take advantage of the power dynamic to create or condone an environment of harassment. Unfortunately in such cases not only is the power dynamic help create a space conducive to harassment, but may also make it more difficult to report.

What is consent?

Consent to romantic or sexual activity must be clearly communicated and mutually agreed upon. If there is any doubt about consent, participants should stop and confirm that they have consent. Without consent, any sexual behaviour could be sexual harassment or sexual assault. Consent:

  • Must never be assumed based on clothing, appearance, or previous behaviour
  • Cannot be obtained under coercion or threat
  • Cannot be given by an intoxicated or unconscious person
  • Can be withdrawn at any time